Potential Hazards of Orthodontic Treatment – What Your Patient Should Know

From Volume 29, Issue 10, December 2002 | Pages 492-496


Pamela E. Ellis

BDS, MSc, FDS, MOrth

Specialist Registrar in Orthodontics, Orthodontic Department, Charles Clifford Dental Hospital, Sheffield.

Articles by Pamela E. Ellis

Philip E Benson

PhD, FDS (Orth)

Senior Lecturer/Honorary Consultant in Orthodontics, Orthodontic Department, Charles Clifford Dental Hospital, Sheffield.

Articles by Philip E Benson


Orthodontic treatment carries with it the risks of tissue damage, treatment failure and an increased predisposition to dental disorders. The dentist must be aware of these risks in order to help the patient make a fully informed choice whether to proceed with orthodontic treatment. This paper outlines the potential hazards and suggests how they may be avoided or minimized.


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