The long and winding road part 2. the CLP patient's journey, 0–21 years Paul Jonathan Sandler Alison Murray Robert Orr Arun K Madahar Dental Update 2025 41:1, 707-709.
Paul JonathanSandler
BDS(Hons), PhD, MSc, FDS RCPS, MOrth RCS
Consultant, Orthodontic Department, Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Royal Hospital, Chesterfield, UK.
Patients with a cleft lip and palate (CLP) deformity require the highest standard of care that the NHS can provide and this requires multidisciplinary care from teams located in regional cleft centres.
Care of these cases is from birth to adulthood and requires several phases of intervention, corresponding to the stages of facial and dental development. Management ideally starts pre-natally, following the initial diagnosis, and occasionally pre-surgical appliances are prescribed. The lip is ideally repaired within three months, followed by palate closure between 12 and 18 months. Careful monitoring is required in the first few years and ENT referral, where necessary, will diagnose middle ear infection, which commonly affects CLP patients. Speech therapy is an integral part of the ongoing care. Excellent oral hygiene is essential and preventive dietary advice must be given and regularly reinforced. Orthodontic expansion is often needed at 9 years of age in preparation for a bone graft and, once the permanent dentition erupts, definitive orthodontic treatment will be required.
Maxillary forward growth may have been constrained by scarring from previous surgery, so orthognathic correction may be required on growth completion. Final orthodontic alignment and high quality restorative care will allow the patients to have a pleasing aesthetic result.
CLP patients and their families will need continuing support from medical and dental consultants, specialist nurses, health visitors, speech and language specialists and, perhaps, psychologists. The first article in this series of two outlined the principles of care for the CLP patient and this second part illustrates this with a case report, documenting one patient's journey from birth to 21 years of age.
Clinical Relevance: A successful outcome for CLP patients requires a sound dentition. The general dental practitioner role is vital to establish and maintain excellent oral hygiene, a healthy diet and good routine preventive and restorative care. Understanding the total needs of CLP patients can help the dentist to provide high quality care as part of the multidisciplinary management.
The neo-natal period
James was born on 15 July 1989 and was diagnosed with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. There was no family history of clefting and no predisposing factors were identified within the history.
He was seen in the maternity unit by the Consultant Orthodontist who decided to apply gentle lip strapping across the markedly displaced premaxilla, with the main aim of reducing the gap between the medial and lateral lip segments, particularly on the right-hand side. The patient's mother was instructed in replacement of the lip strapping and was asked to replace it as often as was necessary. It can be seen from Figures 1 a and b that the size of the cleft on the right side reduced from about 4 mm to 0 mm within a ten-week period. James fed well from birth, and feeding support other than advice and encouragement was not required.
Figure 1.
(a) Strapping applied to bilateral cleft of the lip and palate. (b) Some width reduction of right-sided cleft.
When 3 months old, James was admitted to the Children's Hospital in Sheffield and a bilateral lip repair was carried out successfully, as a single procedure, as the displacement of the anterior segment was not too severe after 10 weeks of lip strapping.
A feeding plate was requested by the Plastic Surgeon and was therefore constructed after the lip repair had healed. This was to assist the patient with feeding, by helping to provide an anterior oral seal against which the patient could suck milk. A soft palate repair was carried out at 9 months, which again was a common time for surgeons to perform this procedure.
Early childhood
The patient was followed up in the Joint Cleft Clinic annually, which involved assessment by a Plastic Surgeon, a Speech Therapist, an ENT specialist and an Orthodontist. No major problems were developing and arrangements were made at a very early stage for him to see his General Dental Practitioner regularly.
The transitional dentition
When he was almost 8 years old, it was noted that James' permanent lower incisors and first molars had erupted, the other teeth being deciduous (Figure 2 a–c). His upper incisors were hypoplastic and became severely worn down due to the traumatic relationship with the opposing incisors as part of the presenting malocclusion. The lip repair was more than satisfactory and the scars had largely settled down, although James had a very obtuse naso-labial angle (Figure 3 a–c)
Figure 2.
(a–c) Intra-oral photographs of the case at 7 years; disturbed anterior dentition.Figure 3.
(a–c) Extra-oral photos.
An anterior occlusal radiograph (Figure 4) showed a mass of calcified tissue in the anterior maxillary segment, but it was difficult to discern two distinct central incisors and two normal lateral incisors. By 9 years of age, there was still no sign of permanent incisors erupting, so the decision was made to extract the deciduous incisors and canines, to try and encourage tooth eruption into the anterior maxilla.
Figure 4. Difficult to discern exactly which teeth are present on anterior occlusal radiograph.
Bone grafting
A preliminary course of orthodontics was carried out using two molar bands and a bonded central incisor and a gold chain on the unerupted upper right central incisor (Figure 5 a and b) Despite 9 months' treatment, it proved impossible to entice the central incisor to erupt. Following a joint clinic appointment with the maxillofacial surgeons, arrangements were made to bone graft both of the clefts in the alveolus and also to extract the malformed right central incisor and all the remaining deciduous teeth, apart from the lower molars.
Figure 5.
(a, b) Gold chain on central incisor to encourage eruption.
Permanent dentition phase
By the time James was 13½, all his lower and upper teeth had fully erupted. He had a Class III skeletal pattern and a Class III incisor relationship with a reverse overjet of -2 mm and a deep overbite of 4 mm. The upper right incisors were missing, the left central incisor had drifted significantly to the right and the upper left lateral incisor was rotated by nearly 180 degrees (Figure 6a). The lower arch was reasonably well aligned (Figure 6b). Single arch treatment only was carried out to align the upper dentition to produce an aesthetic and functional result, in the knowledge that pre-surgical orthodontics would have to be carried out at a later stage (Figure 7 a–c). James still had a reverse overjet and increased overbite but was extremely pleased with the result (Figure 8a and b).
Figure 6.
(a) Quadhelix to widen upper arch. (b) Lower arch shows minimal crowding.Figure 7.
(a) 0.16” NiTi to commence upper arch alignment. (b) Progression through rectangular 18/25 NiTi. (c) Reasonable alignment of the dentition achieved.Figure 8.
(a, b) In late teenage, severe Class III malocclusion evident.
Pre-surgical orthodontics
When James was 17 years old, preparation for orthognathic surgery commenced. There was concern about the possible negative effects of advancing the maxilla on speech. After consultation with his speech therapists, it was felt that James would be an appropriate candidate for Distraction Osteogenesis.
Full upper and lower appliances were placed to produce dental alignment and arch co-ordination, that took 14 months (Figure 9 a–e). Immediately before surgery, he was provided with an occlusal splint to remove any interferences as the maxilla was being incrementally advanced on a daily basis (Figure 10).
Figure 9.
(a–e) Pre-surgical alignment with SWA to decompensate the malocclusion.Figure 10. Surgical splint to reduce occlusal interferences.
The surgical cuts of a Le Fort 1 osteotomy were performed and distractors were attached to the maxilla. A translabial approach was utilized (Figure 11)) to optimize the direction of pull on the mobilized maxilla. James' mother was instructed to turn the distractors one ‘full turn’ on a twice-daily schedule (Figure 12). The distraction was stopped when James had positive overjet and a satisfactory buccal segment occlusion (Figure 13). The patient was then given a short anaesthetic to allow titanium bone plates to be placed to stabilize the repositioned maxilla. Radiographs confirmed the satisfactory postoperative position (Figure 14).
Figure 11. Headframe used to facilitate maxillary protraction.Figure 12. Mother shown how to reactivate the distractors.Figure 13.
(a–d) Patient delighted to see overjet correction. Positive overjet produced, overcorrected to allow for some relapse.Figure 14.
(a, b) Radiographs show maxilla now in a good position.
Final cosmetic finishing
Because James has only two upper left incisors in his upper labial segment, he required a significant amount of enamel reshaping. This was initially ‘mocked-up’ with indelible marker to give the patient an indication of what is being attempted (Figure 15). Composite build-ups and judicious bleaching provided the finishing touches (Figure 16 a–g).
Figure 15.
(a, b) Patient being prepared for advanced restorative work.Figure 16.
(a–f) EO and IO photographs show excellent result. (g) Superb restorative result following sympathetic work with composite.
James benefited from 21 years of true multidisciplinary care, allowing all the specialists involved with the case to produce this result of which they, and James and his family were quite rightly proud.
Treatment was started before cleft protocols were standardized by the CSAG recommendations.
The practice of the lip strapping, certainly locally, still falls in and out of fashion. If the gap between the segments can be reduced with strapping, there will, self-evidently, be less strain on the wound post surgical lip repair, thus reducing the likelihood of wound breakdown. Of course, there are no RCTs to provide the scientific evidence for this theory, nor is it likely that ethical approval would be granted for such a study, but it was certainly a very popular idea in many of the cleft centres 20 years ago. Plastic surgeons still occasionally request strapping when a premaxillary segment is very anteriorly positioned, mobile and a clear air gap exists between the segments.
Regular review in the Joint Cleft Clinic (JCC) allows the entire team to assess speech development regularly. Any signs of delayed speech will trigger in-depth tests to identify any possible hearing impairment that could potentially lead to persistent speech problems. The other advantage is that it allows the dentist on the team to ensure that the patient is developing the necessary exemplary oral hygiene and dietary habits at an early stage. Also, an effort can be made to ensure that the patient sees a general dental practitioner on a regular basis to ensure high quality routine dental care.
Incisor hypoplasia is frequently seen in children with clefts and may be a result of the proximity of the teeth to the cleft area, leading to a disturbance in enamel formation. A reverse overjet is thought to develop as a result of the scarring from earlier palate surgery tethering the tissues. Continued unopposed vertical development of the incisors can lead to a traumatic overbite, which is one of the many challenges for the orthodontists treating cleft patients.
It was felt that the use of a distraction technique in this case would offer a number of advantages. Firstly, James and his mother could be reassured that the procedure used would not have an irreversible and detrimental effect on his speech, an aspect of the treatment about which they were rightly concerned. The incremental maxillary advancement that occurred, as a result of using osteogenic distraction techniques, would allow speech to be monitored to detect any increase in velo-pharyngeal incompetence at an early stage. If a speech problem was noticed, then the advancement could be stopped and, if thought appropriate, the direction of maxillary movement even reversed.
Secondly, the incremental advancement of the maxilla avoids the immediate creation of a large void between the cut ends of bone that would have needed an iliac crest graft, with associated morbidity, such as pain and discomfort on walking, for an extended period post grafting.
Thirdly, the postoperative morbidity, such as swelling, bruising and facial discomfort and, indeed, the length of hospital stay, were all less than would have been the case with a traditional Le Fort 1 maxillary advancement osteotomy.
Deformities of CLP patients provide a real challenge for the healthcare professionals who look after this very special group of patients. Care is multidisciplinary in the regional centres of excellence. Care and management of CLP patients extends from the pre-natal period to adulthood and should involve the entire family. The major components of care to facilitate this involve the disciplines of CLP surgery, orthodontics, bone grafting, orthognathic surgery, restorative dentistry, speech and hearing therapy and psychological support. To sum up, if these patients are identified and the appropriate care administered in a timely manner, the optimal functional and aesthetic results will improve these patients' lives forever.