The Use of Osseointegrated Implants in Orthodontic Patients: 2. Absolute Anchorage

From Volume 31, Issue 6, July 2004 | Pages 355-362


H.C. Travess

BDS(Hons), MSc, FDS MOrth RCS

FTTA in Orthodontics, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford

Articles by H.C. Travess

P.H. Williams


Locum Consultant in Orthodontics, James Paget Healthcare Trust, Great Yarmouth

Articles by P.H. Williams

J.R. Sandy

BDS, PhD, MSc, FDS MOrth RCS, FMed Sci

Reader in Orthodontics, University of Bristol Dental School

Articles by J.R. Sandy


Following the first article which explored the use of restorative implants in orthodontic patients which are later used to replace missing teeth, such as in hypodontia patients, this second paper examines the use of implants in orthodontics to provide ‘Absolute Anchorage’ after highlighting the standard orthodontic approaches to anchorage. It explains the advantages and disadvantages such methods give the specialist in treating full arch orthodontic patients over standard techniques used in modern orthodontics. Three different types of implant used in full arch orthodontic treatment are described in detail; the mid palatal implant, the OnPlant and the mini screw. The methods used in placing the implants and the techniques employed to gain the anchorage required are highlighted.


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