
Case report: non-surgical regeneration with adjunctive enamel matrix derivative

A 48-year-old female was referred by her general dental practitioner to the Birmingham Dental Hospital regarding concerns over progressive bone loss. Following clinical and radiographic assessment,...

Gingival Recession. Part 2: Treatment Options and When to Intervene Surgically

The decision to treat gingival recession is driven by patient expectations and site/tooth-related factors that will determine the risk and rate of deterioration of the recession (Table 1). Patients...

Gingival recession. Part 1: prevalence and aetiology

The prevalence of gingival recession varies in different populations and is influenced by age, with the overall prevalence ranging from 58% to 99.7%.1–4,7,8 The reported differences in the variation...

Isolated periodontal pockets: a clinical review

A literature search was performed using the PubMed, MEDLINE, EBSCO and OVID databases with the keywords ‘isolated periodontal pocket’/’localized periodontal pocket’/‘isolated periodontitis’ from 1950...

Supracrestal tissue attachment: an update

The work that led to the term ‘biological width’ was based on the research of Gargiulo et al in 1961. This study researched the dimensions and relationship of the dentogingival complex on human...

Enamel Matrix Derivative Use in Dentistry: An Update

It is now well understood that periodontal health is a balance between the microbial biofilm (Figure 1) and the host response, and bacterial dysbiosis, or a change in this balance, may lead to both...

A Review of the Evidence for the Provision of the Routine Scale and Polish for the Prevention of Periodontal Disease

A randomized controlled trial (RCT), conducted in the US Air Force Academy, investigated the effectiveness of preventative periodontal treatments in 713 participants over a 4-year period.17,18 Three...

Local drug delivery in the management of periodontal diseases part 2: specific agents

Chlorhexidine gluconate is active against a broad spectrum of microbes. The CHX molecule, owing to its positive charge, reacts with the microbial cell surface, destroys the integrity of the cell...

Local drug delivery in the management of periodontal diseases part 1: general principles

A local drug delivery device consists of a drug reservoir and a limiting element that has a control over the amount of active ingredient released. This can be divided into two classes:.

Aggressive periodontitis: how does an understanding of the pathogenesis affect treatment?

There has been considerable research into the role of Aa in the aetiology of AP and this has had a significant impact upon treatment. Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans possesses a large number of...