Contemporary Periodontal Surgery: 2. Surgical Practice

From Volume 35, Issue 7, September 2008 | Pages 470-487


Geoffrey J Bateman

BDS, MFDS RCS(Ed), MMedEd, MRD RCS(Eng), FDS(Rest Dent) RCS(Ed)

Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, Birmingham, UK

Articles by Geoffrey J Bateman

Shuva Saha

BDS, MFDS(Ed), MFDS(Eng), MPhil, Dip Con Sed, FDS(Rest Dent)

Specialist Registrar, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Birmingham Dental Hospital

Articles by Shuva Saha

David Pearson


Staff Grade in Oral Surgery, Birmingham Dental Hospital, St Chad's Queensway, Birmingham, UK

Articles by David Pearson


Contemporary surgical techniques emphasize gentle tissue handling with a minimum of trauma. This in turn provides a predictable operative environment and promotes healing. A modern surgical armamentarium may be very different from that encountered a decade ago. This is clear from the greater availability of dental microsurgical instruments. Whilst the complexity of microsurgery may not be routinely necessary in general dental practice, many of the principles and equipment used may make standard surgical management easier and more predictable.
