New Regenerative Technologies: Rationale and Potential for Periodontal Regeneration: 2. Growth Factors

From Volume 28, Issue 2, March 2001 | Pages 60-65


Gaston N. King

BDS (NZ), MDSc (Melb.), PhD (Lond.)

Senior Lecturer in Periodontology, Specialist in Periodontics, Adult Oral Health, St Bartholomew's and the Royal London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Turner Street, London E1 2AD

Articles by Gaston N. King


Regenerative techniques have been clinically available for over a decade, although success in promoting new bone, cementum and connective tissue attachment has been limited. New understanding of the tissues involved in regeneration, and of the materials used to promote regeneration, have led to new advances. This is the second of two articles discussing new regenerative technologies with respect to their rationale and potential for periodontal regeneration. This article focuses on growth factors, and in particular bone morphogenetic proteins.
