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Acrylic dentures: fill the gap. part 2. indirect retention, major connectors, review of the design and case study Wouter Leyssen Jasmeet Heran AD Walmsley Dental Update 2025 50:2, 707-709.
Specialty Dentist in Restorative Dentistry, Birmingham Community NHS Healthcare Foundation Trust
Many dental students find the principles of partial denture design difficult to learn. It is also recognized that dentists in general practice within the UK do not always provide sufficient design specification on their laboratory prescription. It therefore seems that confusion about how to come up with a suitable denture design persists after graduation. The aim of the second part of this series relates to design principles of indirect retention, designing the major connector and how to put together all these elements when reviewing the overall design, and how to apply the denture concepts to a case study. This article also discusses recent advances in mucosal-borne partial dentures.
CPD/Clinical Relevance: This article revises the principles of partial denture design specifically in relation to mucosal-borne partial dentures.
Acrylic resin-based partial dentures, also referred to as mucosal-borne dentures, are commonly prescribed in general dental practice, but often do not receive as much attention within the dental curriculum. It is the aim of this series of articles to revisit the principles of partial acrylic denture design. The first article covered the system of designing these dentures with the focus on support, retention, reciprocation and bracing. The aim of Part 2 relates to design principles of indirect retention, designing the major connector and how to put together all these elements when reviewing the overall design, and how to apply the denture concepts to a case study. This article also discusses recent advances in mucosal-borne partial dentures.
Indirect retention
Indirect retention can be defined as the effect achieved by one or more indirect retainers of a removable partial denture that reduces the tendency for a denture base to move in an occlusal direction or in a rotational path about the fulcrum line.1 Therefore, the denture design will need to include at least two clasps for this concept to be considered.
Indirect retention can be provided by a clasp on the same side of the clasp axis as the denture saddle in question, or by tooth/retained root support on the opposite side of the clasp axis. It may also be achieved through coverage of a large edentulous free end saddle area (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Major connector covering the lingual surfaces of LL3-LR3 for indirect retention purposes in relation to the free-end saddle area. Note: this is a picture of a wax try-in before clasps have been added.
In a Kennedy Class 1 situation for the mandible, designing the denture with a wrought metal lingual bar, to decrease tissue coverage, will result in a denture lacking support and provide no indirect retention. Without indirect retention the denture will rotate, forcing the major connector into the mucosa and leading to pain and discomfort of the affected area. When occurring around natural standing teeth it causes compression around the gingival margins, resulting in tissue damage. This type of denture has the unglamourous term of being a ‘gum stripper’.2 An alternative solution is to design the major connector so that it ends just above the survey line.2
The trade-off between tissue coverage to abide by the principles of design and periodontal considerations are discussed below.
Upper mucosal dentures are generally well supported due to their palatal coverage so indirect retention is not as much of an issue unless deciding to keep the palate uncovered. This may introduce rotational difficulties that can be prevented by considering indirect retention and extending the acrylic onto the palatal surfaces of the appropriate remaining teeth or to increase palatal coverage after all.
Major connector
The main role of the major connector is to link all the components of an acrylic denture together. It can also provide support, indirect retention and in many cases (some sort of) border seal. In the upper arch, an acrylic connector is much lighter in weight than a cobalt-chromium (Co-Cr) connector, which helps with retention. However, the thickness of material can feel bulky, which may be a drawback for some patients. Usual design characteristics such as a post dam for the upper denture must always be included. It is good practice for the clinician to carve the post dam on the master cast or provide clear instructions to the laboratory.
A lower acrylic connector that feels bulky may be less well tolerated. Where this is a problem, or greater strength is required, a Co-Cr connector could be used. The principles of the overall denture will remain as a mucosal-borne design.
Review design
When reviewing the finished design of the denture, consideration should be given to the periodontal tissues. All dentures will increase plaque accumulation around teeth when compared to no prosthesis. Often a compromise will be made between trying to achieve the ideal denture design, patient's wishes (including their quality of life) and the possible effect on their periodontal tissues. It is fundamental that the clinician delivering any prosthesis reinforces the need to maintain excellent oral and denture hygiene to minimize periodontal damage. Ideally the denture should be designed to avoid as many of the natural teeth as possible, with at least 3-mm clearance between the gingival margins of the teeth and the major connector.2 For mandibular acrylic dentures, often this cannot be achieved without affecting the strength and rigidity of the connector. Therefore, a compromise is accepted and inevitably, mandibular acrylic connectors will be relatively large and bulky.
A case study illustrates how to put the denture design principles discussed in this series of articles into practice.
Case study: an acrylic maxillary partial denture
A male patient in his 40s requested a new partial upper denture because his current prosthesis lacked retention. The patient had undergone periodontal therapy, which had stabilized his periodontal condition; however, the UL6 remained grade 2 mobile with 10 mm of recession distally. The original denture had no clasps. The opposing arch was fully dentate. Figures 2 and 3 show the final denture and master cast.
Figure 2. Maxillary partial acrylic denture on master cast.Figure 3. Maxillary partial acrylic denture and master cast.
Saddle areas
The Kennedy classification for this case is II mod 3 because of the decision to replace UL7 and UL8. This is to prevent overeruption and unwanted tooth movements of the opposing lower natural teeth. Owing to the poor prognosis of the UL6, extending the denture posteriorly to facilitate addition when required is wise.
Given the number of missing teeth and the presence of a free-end saddle area, the denture was finished above the survey line of the UL2/3 and UR3 so that the denture was partially tooth and partially mucosa borne. This provided indirect retention, which is discussed later in the design.
The choice was made to clasp UL3 and UR4. Clasping the UL6 may have been beneficial to provide retention and indirect retention. However, owing to the recession and increased mobility, it was decided not to clasp this tooth. Guide planes were also prepared distal of the UL3, and UR4 parallel with the mesial surface of the UR8.
Bracing and reciprocation
Bracing is provided by the favourable distribution of the remaining teeth. Reciprocation for the I-bar on UL3 and UR4 is provided by extension of the major connector onto the palatal surfaces of those teeth.
Indirect retention
To achieve indirect retention, limiting rotation of the saddle areas around the clasp axis was required. The clasp axis lies between UL3 and UR4. Teeth UL3/2 and UR3 are on the opposite side of the clasp axis of the free-end saddle and therefore, could be used for indirect retention. The acrylic major connector was finished above the survey line of those teeth to achieve this. An additional component to prevent rotation is the extension of the denture base up to the distal palatal aspect of the UR8 behind the clasp axis, and coverage of the palate up to the vibrating line. A clasp on UL6, a tooth on the same side as the saddle area in question, was another possibility. However, owing to mobility issues of this tooth, it was not an option for the patient in this case.
Review design
For oral hygiene purposes, it would have been good practice to design the major connector away from the natural dentition. However, in this case, the acrylic of the major connector served to provide reciprocation for the clasp on UR4 and UL3 and provided indirect retention on UL3/UL2 and UR3. The UL6 had a guarded prognosis and the acrylic base wrapped around UR8 for indirect retention purposes.
Advances in denture base materials
Conventionally, acrylic dentures are made of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). This material has adequate mechanical properties, but low impact strength and fatigue resistance, which can result in the prosthesis fracturing in areas of very high occlusal load or if the denture is dropped.3·4 A more recent alternative to PMMA is the use of flexible thermoplastic resin materials. One example of this is a polyamidebased denture, such as Valplast (Valplast International Corporation, NY, USA) (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Valplast denture.
Polyamide dentures have become a popular alternative denture base for partial dentures for aesthetic reasons, mainly due to the absence of metal clasps. Flexible dentures can be extended closely around the natural teeth in order to use the undercuts of abutment teeth and increase retention. They also tend to be of reduced thickness, which patients may find more comfortable.5
However, the coverage of Valplast dentures around the abutment teeth and surrounding vestibular and buccal gingiva can lead to inflammation around the mucosa, which may be further exacerbated if the prosthesis is entirely mucosa supported. The lack of rigidity of flexible dentures makes gaining adequate support more difficult. Without this, there is a risk of rotation and sinking of the denture base into the tissues, which is thought to increase ridge resorption. For this reason, the available literature considers that polyamide dentures are contraindicated when many teeth are missing with no vertical stops present.5,6
Other disadvantages are increased water sorption compared to PMMA, which can lead to degradation and discolouration over time.7 A consequence of this is greater plaque accumulation and the potential for candidal growth because the surface becomes roughened with wear. Additionally, the polyamide denture base is not chemically bonded to the artificial teeth. This means that the teeth rely on mechanical retention for their incorporation into the denture. There is a risk that the teeth may be lost if overloaded or there is a fracture.5 Polyamide dentures are also not easy to polish because any adjustment exposes the fibres in the material. Specialized polishing and laboratory techniques are required.
Ultimately, the use of flexible dentures could be useful in certain clinical situations, such as a few missing anterior teeth or posterior teeth in a bounded saddle, but it is important to be aware of the limitations.
Computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM) has been reported on in the literature for complete acrylic dentures and the manufacturing of metal frameworks. However, a limited number of clinical studies is available, with the literature consisting mainly of case reports.8 Partial acrylic denture construction using this technology has even received less attention. This does not mean that it is not applicable to partial acrylic dentures. A case report from France discusses the manufacturing of a successful immediate removable partial acrylic denture using CAD-CAM.9 An explanation for why this technology may not have been used widely for acrylic dentures so far might be that these are often considered of a temporary nature, and not worth more expensive manufacturing costs.
Similarly for printed dentures, the literature related to partial acrylic dentures is very limited. Commercial labs advertise printed Valplast dentures; however, examples for acrylic partial dentures are difficult to find. Subtractive milling techniques seem to be dominant for non-metal-based partial dentures at the time of writing.
Given that acrylic partial dentures are routinely prescribed in primary and secondary care settings, it is important that we devote the necessary time and attention when considering their design. In truth, there are many factors to be considered when designing dentures, and compromises may need to be made because there is no single universal design that can be applied to all partially dentate patients. Therefore, we must follow a system of design to maximize support and retention, taking into consideration bracing, indirect retention and reciprocation. Part of the design process is to review how these design elements come together and how changes in design can limit further detriment to the patients overall oral health and hygiene. Case selection, awareness of patient factors and patient tolerance is essential. In the Part 3 of this series, examples of common partially dentate situations will be discussed and the design of the appropriate acrylic prostheses provided.