Consequences of Tooth Loss: 1. The Patient Perspective – Aesthetic and Functional Implications

From Volume 36, Issue 10, December 2009 | Pages 616-619


Helen L Craddock

PhD, MDent Sci, BDS, FDS(Rest Dent), MRD(Pros), MFDS RCS(Edin), MGDS RCS(Eng), DGDP(UK)

Lecturer in Restorative Dentistry, Leeds Dental Institute, Clarendon Way, Leeds LS2 9LU, UK

Articles by Helen L Craddock


Tooth loss in adults is becoming less common, and the attitudes of patients and professionals towards it have changed dramatically over the last quarter of a century. This paper explores these changes, from the patient's perspective, in terms of psychological perspectives, aesthetics, function and the need or desire for tooth replacement. A second paper will examine the evidence available on the positional and functional changes following tooth loss.
