Reena Wadia
BDS Hons, MJDF, RCS (Eng), MClinDent (Perio), MPerio RCS (Edin), FHEA, Specialist in Periodontics, RW Perio, London
The perio–ortho interface: latest guidelines
Reena WadiaTreatment of all patients affected by periodontitis should follow the step-by-step sequence as suggested in the S3-level guidelines.4Table 2 summarizes these steps. This initial guideline highlights...
An update on halitosis: seven common questions
Reena WadiaHalitosis (from the Latin for breath, halitus and the Greek suffix osis, meaning abnormal)1 is the presence of unpleasant or offensive breath odour independent of its origin. Halitosis can have major...
The Prevention of Periodontitis
Reena WadiaThe importance of optimal plaque control and oral hygiene practices is universally accepted. Facilitating effective self-performed oral hygiene practices can be challenging. For those patients who are...
Periodontal disease in general practice - an update on the essentials
Reena WadiaPeriodontal probing is crucial for periodontal diagnosis and monitoring. Periodontal probing can indicate the pocket depth as well as the presence of bleeding, suggesting the presence of inflammation....