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Current concepts in restoring endodontically treated teeth Lora Mishra Tony Francis Deviprasad Nooji Himanshi Aggarwal Ewen McColl Prashanti Eachempati Dental Update 2025 52:1, 26-34.
BDS, MDS (Endodontics), Professor, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan, Institute of Dental Sciences, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
BDS, MDS (Endodontics), Associate Professor, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Manipal University College Malaysia, Melaka, Malaysia
BDS, MDS (Prosthodontics), Maxillofacial Prosthetics Fellow, Department of Restorative Sciences, School of Dentistry, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
BSc (Hons), BDS, FDS RCPS, FCGDent, MRD RCS Ed, MClinDent, FDS RCS(Rest Dent), FDTFEd, FFD RCSI, FHEA, Head of School, Director of Clinical Dentistry, Peninsula Dental School, University of Plymouth
Restoration of endodontically treated teeth (ETT) is crucial for long-term success. This article reviews current concepts in restoring ETT, which focuses on structural integrity and functional performance. Key factors, including residual tooth structure, ferrule effect and peri-cervical dentine preservation, are discussed alongside advances in conservative access designs, biomimetic protocols and innovative materials, such as ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fibres. Decision-making frameworks, including the Restorative Difficulty Evaluation System (RDES), are highlighted to support clinicians in achieving predictable outcomes, ensuring tooth survival and patient satisfaction.
CPD/Clinical Relevance: The long-term success of endodontically treated teeth depends on selecting appropriate restorative strategies that ensure structural integrity, functional performance and aesthetic outcomes, informed by current evidence and tailored clinical decision-making.
Prevailing evidence identifies bacterial infiltration through the coronal structure of the tooth as the primary cause of endodontic and pulpal diseases.1 The restorative phase of endodontic treatment is thus critical, not only forming the culmination of the procedure with a focus on preventing recontamination, but also preserving long-term functionality and aesthetic aspects of the tooth.2 The success of endodontic procedures is more influenced by microbial eradication and the establishment of an effective coronal seal and is a decisive factor in the long-term success of treatment.3 Additionally, the restoration process reinforces the structural integrity of the tooth and contributes to the maintenance of periodontal health. This article provides a concise overview of the current concepts in restoring endodontically treated teeth (ETT), underscoring their importance in preserving tooth viability and performance.
Revised perspectives regarding the challenges in treating ETT
The challenges in treating ETT are multifaceted, often arising from structural compromises owing to extensive caries, previous restorations, and necessary removal of tooth structure during treatment. While there was a belief that root canal therapy could cause teeth to become more brittle by reducing moisture content, research has shown that there is no significant difference in moisture between vital and endodontically treated human teeth.4 Present understanding indicates that it is not the endodontic treatment, but rather the loss of coronal and peri-cervical hard tissues that mostly contributes to an increased susceptibility to fractures.5 The resulting reduction in dentine volume and sound tooth structure inevitably impacts the mechanical resilience of the tooth. Additionally, the absence of pulp tissue affects mechanoreceptive feedback, potentially making ETT more prone to fracture under adverse loading conditions.6,7
Case selection and treatment planning
Prior to the restoration of ETT, conducting a thorough restorability assessment is essential. Multiple systems have been developed to evaluate the complexity involved in restoring ETTs. Among these, the Restorative Difficulty Evaluation System (RDES) offers a structured approach to categorizing the challenges.8 The RDES classifies restoration parameters into three risk levels: low-risk, moderate-risk, and high-risk.
According to the RDES criteria, a tooth is considered low-risk if all parameters are within the low-risk category or, at most, one falls into the moderate category. A moderate-risk classification is given when at least two parameters are moderate, with none in the high-risk category. A tooth falls into the high-risk category if there is at least one parameter assessed as high-risk. This system provides a framework to assist in the decision-making process for the restoration of an ETT.
The RDES criteria are presented in Table 1, which summarizes the categories into low (green), moderate (orange) and high (red) risk.
Table 1. Restorative difficulty evaluation system (RDES) adopted from Ferrari et al.8 PAL: peri-apical lesion; CRWR: coronal residual wall remining.
Evaluation factors
Low risk/good prognosis
Medium risk/fair prognosis
High risk/poor prognosis
Endodontic complexity status
Vital tooth
Complex anatomy
Necrotic single root with a periapical lesion (PAL)
Necrotic multi-root teeth with PAL
Coronal residual wall remaining (CRWR)
One CRWR with inadequate horizontal amount of tooth structure or no ferrule
Three CRWR
One CRWR with adequate horizontal amount of tooth structure
Restoration of marginal seal
Margins in enamel and supragingival
Margins completely in dentine and supragingival or equigingival
Margins placed in the sulcus or deep in the sulcus
Margins partially in enamel and dentine and equigingival
Local periodontal conditions
No loss of attachment/recession or mobility
Need for cervical margin relocation
Furcation involvement, endo-perio lesions, mobility and recession.
Shallow pocket that does not need periodontal therapy
Moderately deep pocket which can be treated by periodontal therapy
Need for periodontal surgical therapy
Position, occlusion and functional requirements
Virgin quadrant with favourable occlusion
Abutment in short span multi-unit bridge in favourable or unfavourable occlusion
Abutment in long span bridge in favourable and unfavourable occlusion
With other restored teeth in favourable occlusion
Dental wear and aesthetic needs
No wear/slight wear
High aesthetic needs with mild to moderate dental wear
Compromised function due to severe dental wear
Key factors influencing the success of ETT
Guided by the RDES criteria, this article highlights key factors crucial to evaluating the prognosis of ETT. These critical determinants include, but are not limited to:
Number of residual walls or ferrule effect and residual tooth volume;
Preserving the peri-cervical dentine and access cavity preparation;
Relationship of ETT cavity margins with gingiva and periodontium;
Ensuring long-term functionality and aesthetics with appropriate post-treatment restoration;
Tooth type and its position in the arch;
Occlusal considerations.
Number of residual walls or ferrule effect and residual tooth volume
The ability of a tooth to endure and withstand chewing forces is directly linked to the amount of remaining tooth structure.9 Hence, assessing the remaining tooth structure before restoring an ETT is considered crucial.
A coronal residual tooth height of 1.5–2 mm contributes to the ferrule effect, positively influencing the prognosis for restoring ETT.10 The presence of sufficient peri-cervical dentine further augments tooth survival.11 Recent evidence challenges the traditionally held belief that a complete circumferential band of ferrule (Figure 1), is imperative for a favourable prognosis. Instead, emerging perspectives suggest that the presence of a partial ferrule (involving one to three walls) may suffice.12,13 However, this still needs to be validated through long-term prospective clinical studies.
Figure 1. Illustration depicting the coronal residual wall remaining and impact of ferrule on the prognosis of ETT.
Preserving the peri-cervical dentine and access cavity preparation
Peri-cervical dentine (PCD) is an area approximately 4 mm coronal and 4 mm apical to the crestal bone.11 This region serves as the neck of the tooth, facilitating the transmission and dissipation of masticatory forces to the root and surrounding bone. Gaining access for root canal therapy often results in cavity preparations that are large, gouged, and undermined, leading to the loss of PCD. Consequently, there has been a shift from traditional access cavity shapes to more conservative forms to preserve PCD.
In contrast to the traditional access cavities (TAC) that are associated with greater removal of tooth structure, conservative access cavities (CAC) are designed to retain more tooth structure, thus providing enhanced structural support.14 This may prompt considerations for materials that can effectively function with the remaining walls while ensuring structural integrity.9
In ultra-conservative access cavity design (UCAC), also recognized as orifice-directed design or ‘truss’ access cavity or ninja access cavity, distinct preparations involve separate cavities to access the mesial and distal canal systems in a mandibular molar. In the case of maxillary molars, a single cavity is employed to access both the mesio- and distobuccal canals, while another cavity is used for the palatal canal (Figure 2).15
Figure 2. Types and extent of access cavity preparations and risk based on residual walls remaining. D: distal; M: mesial; B: buccal; L: lingual.
UCAC aims to preserve even more tooth structure, potentially impacting disinfection and obturation owing to its limited access. While it may hinder complete debridement and canal visualization, advances in endodontic technology may mitigate these issues. This approach is recommended for teeth with sufficient structural integrity where conservation is a priority, but may not be suitable for cases requiring extensive canal treatment, or in the presence of complex root canal anatomy. Clinical judgement should guide the decision to employ UCAC, balancing the need for structural preservation against the requirement for effective canal disinfection and filling. This response succinctly addresses the disinfection and obturation concerns associated with UCAC and outlines the considerations for its recommended use.
Relationship of ETT cavity margins with gingiva and periodontium (Figure 3)
Figure 3. Illustration depicting the interrelationship of tooth and supporting tissue on prognosis of ETT and recommended treatment options.
Tooth-restoration margins are a critical link between the tooth structure and the restoration. The relationship of cavity margins with supporting soft tissues directly affects the survival of ETT. The presence of a gap, or interference in this area of the tooth, can lead to detrimental consequences, including microleakage-induced secondary caries, increased vulnerability to fractures, displacement of the restorative material, reduced strength, compromised aesthetics and localized periodontitis through plaque stagnation.16
Restoring large carious defects resulting from proximal caries that extend below the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ), with subgingival cavity margin location in an ETT is a prevalent clinical scenario.
A deep proximal cavity margin presents unique challenges, notably in ensuring effective moisture control, achieving reliable dentine bonding, and delivering adequate light curing in a deep box preparation. Such procedures are inherently technique sensitive owing to the intricate nature of operating in a confined space close to the gingival tissue. Additionally, there is a heightened risk of violating the supracrestal attachment, also known as the biological width, which can lead to periodontal inflammation and recession if not carefully managed. To prevent any detrimental effect of cavity margins on adjacent gingival and periodontal tissues, a recommended distance of 3 mm or more between the restorative margins and the alveolar crest is considered necessary.17
In many clinical scenarios, when the biological width is compromised, procedures, such as surgical crown lengthening or ortho-extrusion, can be performed to obtain adequate coronal tooth structure.16 However, these procedures are invasive and may not necessarily facilitate improved access to the deeper portions of cavities in posterior teeth. Furthermore, these procedures present difficulties in efficiently isolating the operative field using a rubber dam. Insufficient moisture control and the potential for blood and saliva contamination during clinical procedures pose a threat to the survival of restored ETT in posterior regions.17
The cervical margin relocation (CMR) technique could be regarded, to a certain extent, as a non-invasive alternative to surgical crown lengthening. This procedure which is also known as deep margin elevation (DME), or proximal box elevation (PBE) aims to overcome the challenges mentioned above, making clinical procedures simpler and less prone to errors.18 This technique proposes careful application of composite resin in the deepest parts of the proximal areas to reposition the cervical margin supragingivally. This facilitates improved isolation, impression-making, and the adhesive protocol for both direct and indirect restorations.17
In case of a localized deep margin where the remaining walls provide sufficient enamel for bonding, and when final adhesive restoration is planned, CMR needs to be carried out. Prior to initiating root canal therapy, this technique facilitates rubber dam isolation. The success and precision of this technique significantly influences the longevity of subsequent restoration after root canal treatment.
Current evidence suggests that various types of composite resins, including flowable, packable (viscous), or bulk-fill, can be effectively employed for DME procedures.19
Ensuring long-term functionality and aesthetics with appropriate post-treatment restoration
During endodontic treatment, sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) irrigation influences bonding between pulp chamber dentine walls and adhesives. NaOCl concentration ranges from 0.5% to 5.25%, effectively removing infected pulp tissue and killing micro-organisms. However, higher concentrations lead to increased collagen degradation, dentine deproteinization, and reduced microhardness, elastic modulus and flexure.20
The pre-endodontic build-up, or doughnut technique, involves creating an access cavity where the proximal, buccal, and lingual walls are built with direct restoration using flowable composite. The use of a suitable barrier such as a cotton pellet, thermoplastic gutta-percha, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), or liquid dam is employed to prevent the blockage of root canal orifices, facilitating isolation. Once the circumferential build-up is complete, it aids in containing irrigating solutions and medicaments within the access cavity.21,22
Following access cavity restoration, endodontically treated teeth are commonly restored with full-coverage crowns to provide optimal structural support and protection.
Crowns are typically made from materials such as porcelain fused to metal or all ceramics.5 However, full coverage crowns may pose issues such as poor fit, excessive tooth reduction, and periodontal concerns impacting ETT. Advances in adhesive dentistry and biomimetic principles challenge routine use of full coverage crowns for ETT. Biomimetic dentistry prioritizes preserving tooth structure, mimicking natural biomechanics through minimally invasive preparations and selective caries removal.
The biomimetic restoration protocol employs modern adhesion techniques and advocates for stress-reduced cavity preparation to minimize the configuration factor (C-factor) and stress in dental composite restorations.23 This approach involves the use of flowable resin liners, allowing time for the maturation of the adhesive/dentine hybrid layer, incorporating ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fibre (UHMWPEF), and using 1 mm horizontal increments of composites in direct restorations. However, the biomimetic restoration of endodontically treated teeth varies depending on the residual wall volume and the type of access cavity preparation.24
Steps in restorative management of ETT with one or more than one wall missing (minimal to moderate destruction):
In Step 1, remove caries, prepare the access cavity, locate orifices, and place sterile Teflon tape on the deroofed pulp chamber (Figure 4). This action prevents interference of adhesive restoration with subsequent root canal procedures.
In Step 2, perform air abrasion to prepare enamel and dentine, ensuring the removal of decayed areas and preventing over-removal of enamel and dentine. This step creates more surface area for the adhesive agent to form resin tags.25
For Step 3, immediately seal the freshly prepared dentine (immediate dentine seal/IDS) using flowable resin, ensuring a thickness not exceeding 0.5–1 mm.26
In Step 4, layer the composites, starting by replacing the proximal/facial/lingual enamel shell. Following this, replace dentine by placing a 0.5–1.0-mm layer of flowable composite on the floor of the preparation over the filled adhesive of the bonding system used to hybridize the dentine. Alternatively, use ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fibre (UHMWPEF) or short fibre-reinforced flowable composite along with horizontal increments of composites in direct restorations.27
For Step 5, in cases where the functional cusp width is less than 1 mm and the non-functional cusp is 1.2–2 mm, opt for semi-direct or indirect restorations. This involves using inlays, onlays, or overlays that are bonded to the tooth while preserving healthy cusps and the peripheral enamel bio-rim (Figure 5).28
Figure 4. Teflon tape secured within the deroofed pulp chamber for a non-traditional access cavity of left mandibular second pre-molar, garrison matrix placed around the tooth for DME and air abrasion carried out on enamel and dentine.Figure 5. (a) Biomimetic preparation where the peripheral rim of enamel is maintained and minimal preparation of healthy tooth structure. (b) Biomimetic restoration with e.max (Ivoclar, Schaan, Liechtenstein) (indirect restoration) overlay mimicking the natural tooth anatomy. (c) Intra-oral radiograph of cemented overlay restoration and preservation of peri-cervical dentine (PCD) of ETT.
Restorative management of ETT with more than two or three missing walls
The approach to managing extensively destructed ETT remains consistent with the aforementioned, with additional techniques employed to augment the resistance form of the tooth, particularly in posterior teeth. Using UHMWPEF in a wall-papering technique or as a post, serves to reinforce both the tooth and the core of ETT.29 In the wall-papering technique, these fibres are positioned on the pulpal floor, serving as reinforcement for cavity walls and axial walls.30 Furthermore, these fibres can substitute rigid posts to secure the composite core (Figure 6).
Figure 6. Restoration of endodontically treated first mandibular molar. (a) Missing distal cavity wall, glass ionomer cement placed on pulpal floor and gingival retraction gel placed to facilitate deep margin elevation. (b) UHMWPEF placed incorporated in composite placed above glass ionomer and deep margin elevation done with composite. (c) composite build-up carried out. (d) Lithium disilicate overlay bonded to the tooth structure. (e) IOPAR depicting post-endodontic restoration with glass ionomer and composite and (f) IOPAR post cementation of bonded restoration.
To facilitate reader comprehension, a Table 2 outlines the recommended restorations based on the access cavity type, remaining residual walls, height of the coronal tooth structure, type of core build-up and gingival preparation. This Table serves as a quick reference to make informed decisions at a glance (Table 2).
Table 2. Recommended restorations based on type of access cavity and remaining cavity walls.
Type of access cavity
No. of remaining residual walls
Height of affected coronal tooth structure
Post placement required
Type of core build-up and gingival preparation
Recommended restoration
Supragingival tooth structure with core ferrule of more than 2 mm and thickness is more than 1 mm
Direct adhesive composite restoration
Supragingival tooth structure with core ferrule within 1–2 mm and thickness is at least 1 mm
Indirect restoration
1–2 mm core ferrule height, but width is compromised
Endo crown with or without gingivectomy
Supragingival core ferrule more than 2 mm above gingiva and thickness is more than 1 mm
Direct adhesive composite restoration/indirect restoration
1–2 mm core ferrule more than 2 mm above gingiva and thickness is more than 1 mm)
DME +IDS or gingivectomy +DME +IDS
Direct adhesive composite restoration/indirect restoration
Supragingival (more than 2 mm above gingiva)
Fibre-reinforced bio-based preparation
Direct adhesive composite restoration/indirect restoration
1–2 mm subgingival
DME +IDS or gingivectomy +DME +IDS
Direct adhesive composite restoration/indirect restoration/inlay/onlay/partial crown
Fibre-reinforced bio-based preparation
Indirect restoration/partial crown
Supragingival (more than 2 mm above gingiva)
DME +IDS/composite resin
Indirect restoration/single full coverage crown/partial crown
1–2 mm subgingival
Gingivectomy with DME +IDS/composite resin
Supragingival tooth structure with core ferrule of more than 2 mm and thickness is more than 1 mm
Ortho extrusion/gingivectomy/both with composite
Single full coverage crown
Tooth type and its position in arch:
The position of ETT in an arch also influences the prognosis. Anterior regions endure lower forces, whereas posterior regions must withstand greater forces, requiring careful selection of restoration. Table 3 depicts the choice of restorations for anterior and posterior teeth.
Table 3. The choice of restorations for anterior and posterior teeth.
Tooth type
Restorative approach
No previous restorations (intact marginal ridges)
Previously heavily restored (with one or more marginal ridges lost)
Previously crowned (where marginal ridges are lost)
Direct composite restoration in access cavity
Direct composite or indirect restoration or crown for canine
Reinforced core with conventional post or UHMWPEF fibre post
Direct composite restoration in access cavity
Direct composite with reinforced UHMWPEF with or without indirect restoration
Reinforced core with conventional post or UHMWPEF fibres post
Cuspal coverage
Direct composite restoration in access cavity
Direct composite with reinforced UHMWPEF with or without indirect restoration
Reinforced core with conventional post or UHMWPEF fibres post or endo crown
Cuspal coverage
Occlusal considerations
The choice of restoration is significantly affected by the type of occlusion.30 Occlusal guidance is an important consideration, with canine guidance being favourable in situations where lateral forces need to be directed away from posterior teeth, and group function being suitable when distribution of these forces across multiple teeth is desired. Additionally, identifying and addressing occlusal interferences is crucial to prevent undue stresses on the restoration. Parafunctional activities, such as bruxism, also play a role in the selection process as they can influence the durability and design of the restoration. The accompanying diagram provides an overview of these occlusal considerations, outlining which factors are typically seen as favourable or unfavourable in the context of restorative dentistry.
Figure 7 summarizes favourable and unfavourable occlusal factors.
Figure 7. Favourable and unfavourable occlusal factors for ETT prognosis.
Decision algorithm
To conclude this article, a comprehensive decision algorithm has been presented (Figure 8). This strategic tool is designed to provide readers with a thorough and integrated understanding of the article's key concepts and recommendations.
Figure 8. Comprehensive decision algorithm for restoring endodontically treated teeth.