In August 2015, the Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme (SDCEP) published national guidance for the management of dental patients taking anticoagulants or antiplatelet drugs. Although most dental practitioners are aware of the established protocols for managing warfarin and antiplatelets, there is an increasing shift towards the use of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs). This raises concern for the safe treatment of these patients due to the limited advice available, as practitioners will be faced with the challenge of managing potential bleeding complications following invasive dental procedures. Therefore, having national guidelines is essential as it will encourage the use of a consistent approach when encountering these patients.
The 2015 guidance was fully reviewed and recently replaced in March 2022, based on current evidence available.1 For warfarin and antiplatelet medication, the advice remains unchanged. It is important that dental practitioners are aware of the updated guidance and this letter draws attention to the key changes in the second edition:
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