
Letters to the editor

I would like to draw attention to an alternative therapy that may provide respite for those suffering with temporomandibular disorder (TMD). Devil's claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) is one of the most...

Letters to the editor

A 72-year-old male patient presented with the complaint of repeated debonding of acrylic resin teeth from his hybrid prostheses. He had been wearing this prostheses, supported by five implants in the...

Letters to the editor

The amusing image of Professor Burke ‘eating his hat’ in the January issue1 and his elegantly chosen words about porcelain laminate veneers reminded me that I was partly responsible for the erroneous...

Letters to the editor

The absence of teeth significantly impairs the ability to chew and digest food. It can also promote changes in the gingiva owing to the trauma caused by eating and brushing teeth. Loss of teeth can...

Letters to the editor

We report the case of a 69-year-old women with necrotizing sialometaplasia, a condition caused by ischaemia and well recognized for mimicking squamous cell and/or muco-epidermoid carcinoma. An...

Letters to the editor

A woman in her 50s presented to her general dental practitioner complaining of movement of her lower teeth that had changed the way in which her upper and lower teeth met. She had also noticed an...

Letters to the editor

I would like to pass on my congratulations to you and the rest of the editorial team at Dental Update. Not since my days as a student have I read a journal cover to cover – commentaries, articles and...

Letters to the editor

Abdominal spasms or cramping can be described as the involuntary contractions of the abdominal muscles that can also occur on the dental chair.1 This emergency must therefore be included as one other...

Letters to the editor

Can it really be 50 years since Ted Renson walked into the staff room at The London Hospital carrying the first Dental Update? What a revelation to our black and white publishing world:...

Letters to the editor

I am fortunate to work with many practitioners. In this case, the patient was referred for endodontic therapy on her UL6), but I couldn’t help but notice the restoration on the UL5..

Letters to the editor

I am delighted to welcome Dr Ewen McColl, Honorary Consultant/Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at the Peninsula Dental School, University of Plymouth to the Editorial Board of Dental Update..

Letters to the Editor

Following the positive response to the Dental Update series: ‘Why does patient mental health matter?’, we felt readers might also be interested in our recent ‘Right to Smile’ consensus statement,...

Letters to the Editor

We saw a 73-year-old man in September 2020, who was referred by his GP for multiple lumps on his tongue and lower lip of unknown duration. His past medical history was significant for ischaemic heart...