Restorative Dentistry
The options for a tooth that requires root canal treatment
Shiyana EliyasRoot canal treatment and maintenance of the natural tooth has high success rates17,18,19 and high survival rates.14, 20,21,22,23,24,25,26 The natural tooth will maintain alveolar bone and soft tissue...
Post-operative sensitivity and posterior composite resin restorations: a review
Joseph SabbaghThere are three types of tooth sensitivity:.
A contemporary approach to the provision of tooth-supported fixed prostheses part 2: fixed bridges where the abutment teeth require minimal or no preparation
Richard IbbetsonWhere a tooth-supported fixed prosthesis is indicated and the abutments are generally sound, resin-retained bridges are preferred, whilst recognizing that patient choice may be a factor limiting their...
Immediate management of the single-unit extracted tooth in the anterior aesthetic zone – temporizing/stabilizing tissues
Graeme E BryceAlthough dimensional change of the alveolar ridge is unavoidable following extraction, the impact on subsequent restoration can be reduced if appropriate pre-operative assessment and management is...
Tooth wear and occlusal ageing
Bryan Daniel MurchieA 58-year-old, fit and well male presented with fractured upper front teeth, which had occurred approximately one year previously. These were artificial teeth, as part of a bridge structure, which had...
Complications of an ageing dentition part 3: overview and case report
Bryan Daniel MurchieThis was a medically fit and well 62-year-old female patient. She was complaining of symptoms from the lower right side, ‘somewhere’ at the back of the mouth, with extreme sensitivity to cold and heat...
The bilaminar (Dual-Laminate) protective night guard
Nicholas N LongridgeRecently, bruxism has been redefined as repetitive jaw-muscle activity characterized by clenching or grinding of the teeth and/or by bracing or thrusting of the mandible.8 Bruxism occurs during sleep,...
Long-term complications of dental trauma
Beth C BurnsDiscoloration of teeth can be external or internal. External discoloration is due to an accumulation of staining media on the tooth surface or a developmental disturbance of enamel. Internal...
Complications of an ageing dentition part 2: restorative management options
Bryan Daniel MurchieThis article will not consider the different factors influencing the prognosis or recommended protocols related to performing the endodontic procedure, as this has already been extensively covered in...
Complications of an ageing dentition part 1: occlusal trauma and cracked teeth
Bryan Daniel MurchieThe topic of occlusion is an area which may be confusing, however, this is an important issue which cannot be ignored. Pathological occlusal contacts can be associated with a wide range of clinical...
What's new in dentine bonding?: universal adhesives
FJ Trevor BurkeIn the past, dentine-bonding agents were classified into generations.7 However, this means of identifying different groups of bonding agents fell into disarray because of the failure of authorities on...
Type-1 dentine dysplasia – diagnostic and clinical challenges in restorative management
Lakshmi RasaratnamAs a result of the above, the teeth are often mobile and premature exfoliation is seen..
Head and neck cancer patients – information for the general dental practitioner
Jennifer NooneRadiation-induced caries describes the rapidly developing lesions that can appear after radiotherapy. Its distribution tends to be different from those carious lesions in the non-irradiated...
The use of all-ceramic resin-bonded bridges in the anterior aesthetic zone
Rupal ShahDental ceramics have come a long way from the low-strength ceramics bonded with poor adhesives to modern day high strength ceramics with improved adhesive technology, which are able to be used in a...