Technique Tips

The natural tooth pontic: a novel approach

An 80-year-old female patient presented complaining of a loose lower front tooth. She explained that the tooth had become progressively loose and, although currently asymptomatic, she had suffered...

Chairside assessment of implant-retained overdenture retention

A 53-year-old female patient presented at the Newcastle Dental Hospital for a review of an implant-supported mandibular overdenture (ISMOD). Two Brånemark Mk III 11.5 mm implants had been placed in...

A predictable method for retrieval of silver cones using ultrasonics

A 53-year-old female patient was referred to the Department of Endodontics for the management of the lower incisors (LL1, LL2 and LR1). She gave a history of RCT carried out several years previously...

Fitting hall crowns

Assess the tooth shape, contact points and the occlusion. If the child has tight or broad contact points, it is useful to place orthodontic separators through the mesial and distal contacts. This...

Composite edge bonding – the reverse triangle technique

This particular technique utilizes the properties3 of nano-hybrid composites, such as Venus Pearl and Diamond (Heraeus Kulzer, Newbury, UK), to create simple aesthetic and strong outlines that can...

A direct wax-up technique for an immediate provisional crown

Red ribbon wax was used in this technique tip, since it is easy to handle, inexpensive and widely available. This does not imply that other materials cannot be considered..

Finding the ideal surface disinfectant

When dental environmental surfaces are visibly contaminated with blood, an intermediate-level disinfectant is needed. Such products are tuberculocidal and have a wide spectra of activity. Because most...

The removal of a primary tooth anterior abutment root to salvage a fixed prosthesis

A 52-year-old woman patient was presented with a chief complaint of pain and swelling in the mandibular left anterior region. Clinical examination revealed a mandibular anterior fixed prosthesis...