
Orthodontic management of patients with autistic spectrum disorder

Autism is a life-long developmental disability that affects how people perceive the world and interact with others. It is part of the autism spectrum disorders (ASD), which refers to a range of...

Clinical audit: the importance of early detection and referral of impacted maxillary canines

Impacted permanent maxillary canines fall into the highest category of Index of Treatment Need (IOTN) with a score of 5i.1 This is because the impeded path of eruption for the canine is considered to...

The orthodontic/endodontic interface part 4

More patients are undergoing orthodontic treatment and mild external root resorption is a common finding.1, 2 This is usually not clinically significant with a root length reduction commonly of 1−2...

Principles of orthognathic management of dentofacial discrepancies

As orthognathic surgery is largely an elective process, it is imperative to determine the patients' presenting concerns, their motivation towards seeking treatment, and the realism of their...

The Orthodontic/Periodontal Interface Part 3

The sequence of disease management includes three fundamental stages:.

How Orthodontic Therapists have Changed the Provision of Orthodontic Treatment

The composition of the UK workforce delivering orthodontic treatment has changed greatly over the past decade since the introduction of OTs.3 This change in skill mix is significant due to the scope...

Orthodontic/restorative interface part 2

A large number of factors will influence the treatment planning process and final treatment decision. These include patient factors, dental factors, orthodontic factors and soft tissue factors; these...

Fixed versus removable appliances – which one to choose?

Ectopic eruption of maxillary first permanent molars occurs in around 4% of the population. Radiographic examination can reveal the first permanent molar encroaching or impacting upon the distal...

The orthodontic/paediatric interface part 1

Prior to enforced extraction of a primary tooth, the following recommendations should be considered:.

Management of infra-occluded primary molars

The most common cause of infra-occlusion is thought to be ankylosis. Ankylosis is an anomaly which occurs due to failure of the periodontal ligament to separate the root from the alveolar bone,...

A guide to the orthodontic extrusion of traumatized permanent incisors in the mixed dentition

The immediate management of intrusion injuries, as with any dental trauma, requires a comprehensive clinical and radiographic examination. Common clinical findings when examining an intrusive luxation...

The iatrogenic anterior open bite; a potential side-effect of thermoplastic orthodontic retainers

The patient was a 14-year-old female, referred for a second opinion by a specialist orthodontist who had not performed the orthodontic treatment. The patient's complaint was her inability to close her...

An alternative approach to replacement of an avulsed central incisor

Patient HG first attended in October 2012. Her presenting complaints were that she was missing her UR1, use of an upper partial denture, and that she felt that her upper canine tooth ‘stuck out’....

Lingual orthodontics – clinical applications and patient information

The development of lingual appliances started in 1968 at Kanagawa University, Japan, when Kinya Fujita first submitted his lingual appliance concepts.7 He started the manufacture and use of his system...