Ken Hemmings

BDS, MSc, DRDRCS, MRDRCS, FDS RCS, ILTM, FHEA, Consultant in Restorative Dentistry and Honorary Clinical Associate Professor, Eastman Dental Hospital and Institute

The use of an overdenture in a patient with numerous partially erupted and unerupted teeth

A 20-year-old female patient presented to the prosthodontic department following previous treatment in the hospital's paediatric department. The patient's main concern was poor aesthetics associated...

Treatment planning over 50 years

Fifty years ago, anterior teeth were restored with silicate cement and posterior teeth with amalgam. Gold inlays, onlays and crowns were considered superior restorations. Cohesive gold restorations...

Solutions for implants placed with prosthetic inconvenience

The consequences associated with implants placed in a sub-optimal position are particularly severe in the aesthetic zone and can be further complicated when the individual has a thin and scalloped...

Tooth wear guidelines for the BSRD part 2: fixed management of tooth wear

Generalized/localized tooth wear in dentate patients with associated:.

Tooth wear guidelines for the bsrd part 1: aetiology, diagnosis and prevention

Tooth wear, or as it is also often referred to as non-carious tooth surface loss (TSL), can be described simply as ‘the pathological non-carious loss of tooth tissue’.1.

Guidelines for crowns, fixed bridges and implants

“Why is it that teeth decay? You don‧t always have to go to the doctor‧s to have holes in your arm stopped up do you? It‧s a flaw in the design.”