Restorative Dentistry

Restoration of anterior teeth using polychromatic layering techniques

Following removal of the rubber dam, the restorations were assessed to ensure that they conformed to the pre-existing anterior occlusal guidance. A photograph was taken (Figure 13) at this stage to...

How Visible Light Curing came into Dentistry

In the early 1970s, two chemists at the ICI Petrochemical and Polymer Laboratory in Runcorn, Edward (Ed) Dart and Joseph (Joe) Nemcek, developed a visible light-activated (alpha)-diketone/amine...

Resin Luting Materials

Zinc phosphate cement was introduced circa 125 years ago. Despite its shortcomings, which include solubility in the dilute organic acids found in plaque, and poor tensile strength, it remains in use...

Fibre-Reinforced Composite Splint – Step-by-Step Instructions

Many different manufacturers' products are available, examples being; Fiberkor (Jeneric/Pentron), Vectris (Ivoclar), EG Fibres (Kuraray/Japan) and everStick® (GC Corporation Tokyo Japan). The...

Minimally Invasive Direct Restoration of Worn Teeth: A Simplified Technique

A 63-year-old female patient presented complaining of chipping of her maxillary anterior teeth, aesthetic concerns regarding her worn mandibular incisors and of sensitivity to thermal stimuli. She...

Management of localized anterior tooth wear in a patient with bilateral distal extension edentulous mandibular arches

A 61-year-old male was referred to the Dental Institute, Colombo for the management of pain and an abscess associated with two upper central incisors. His past and current medical records revealed...

The application of occlusion in clinical practice part 3: practical application of the essential concepts in clinical occlusion

The conformative approach to the restorative rehabilitation of a dentition would involve the provision of restorations to any of the affected teeth at the ‘pre-existing occlusal scheme, without...

The application of occlusion in clinical practice part 1: Essential concepts in clinical occlusion

As per the FGDP (UK) Clinical Examination and Record-Keeping; Good Practice Guidelines 2016,6 when a patient attends a practitioner for the first time for a routine dental examination, an appraisal of...

A ‘handling’ Evaluation of the dentsply sirona class II solution system by the PREP panel

The value of practice-based research has been previously discussed,1 with the arena of general dental practice having been considered the ideal environment in which to carry out evaluations of the...

Occlusal Splints for Bruxing and TMD – A Balanced Approach?

Occlusal splints are interocclusal appliances commonly used in dental practice to manage bruxism and temporomandibular disorders (TMD). There are many articles and studies on the effectiveness of...

An update on discoloured teeth and bleaching part 2: mechanism of action of bleaching agents and management of discoloured teeth

The compound directly resulting in the bleaching effect, hydrogen peroxide, is an oxidizing agent. Hydrogen peroxide breaks down in the presence of water to yield water and a free radical species....

Gagging – bringing up an old problem part 2: management of the condition

There are numerous treatment approaches which have been suggested in the literature and are categorized into the following methods: behavioural, pharmacological and non-pharmacological. Importantly,...

Tooth wear guidelines for the BSRD part 2: fixed management of tooth wear

Generalized/localized tooth wear in dentate patients with associated:.

An update on discoloured teeth and bleaching part 1: the aetiology and diagnosis of discoloured teeth

Generally speaking, discoloration of teeth may be either intrinsic or extrinsic, and may present in isolation or affect the dentition generally. Tooth discoloration may also be classified as...