Reducing white spot lesion incidence during fixed appliance therapy
LE GreeneWhite spot lesions occur as a consequence of repeated episodes of mineral loss from the enamel into the surrounding saliva and plaque. The mineral is initially lost from the enamel surface, however,...
Invisible orthodontics part 2: lingual appliance treatment
Ailbhe McMullinSince the initial suggestion that brackets could be placed behind the teeth in the 70s, several American orthodontists formed the Lingual Task Force to promote the use of lingual appliances. This has...
Invisible orthodontics part 1: invisalign
Ovais H MalikAlign Technology first introduced Invisalign in 1999. To date over 58,000 dentists and orthodontists worldwide are Invisalign certified, with an estimated one million patients treated so far.5 It...
Spontaneous resolution of a periapical lesion during orthodontic treatment: a case report
M BainbridgeA 46-year-old woman was referred to the Orthodontic Department of Peterborough and Stamford Hospital by her general dentist, with a complaint of prominent and spaced upper incisor teeth. Clinical...
Macrodont management
Audrey PaceThe following distinctions have been made between the various types of macrodontia:.
Treatment of ectopic first permanent molar teeth
Joe HennessyThe aetiology of ectopic molars may be considered to be multifactorial. A number of authors have described different predisposing factors. A high familial tendency has been noted.9 Local factors, such...
Impacted maxillary canines – a perennial problem
Mohit MittalThe aetiology of palatally displaced maxillary canines has been suggested as polygenic and mutifactorial. Becker et al9 suggested that the distal aspect of the lateral incisor root guides the...
Invisalign®, an innovative invisible orthodontic appliance to correct malocclusions: advantages and limitations
Shaymaa Abdulreda AH AliKesling's positioner was a precursor to the aligner. In 1945, Kesling foresaw the future development when he stated that:.
Anterior open bite: aetiology and management
Paul Jonathan SandlerAesthetic or functional aspects are the underlying reasons why patients seek treatment for their AOB. The inability to incise food efficiently or lisping and speech difficulties are common cause for...
Lingual orthodontics: an overview
Parmjit SinghOnce bonding to enamel became established, several orthodontists, working independently in different parts of the world, experimented with the possibility of a fixed lingual appliance..
Maxillary labial fraenectomy: indications and technique
Mohit MittalClinical situations in which a labial fraenectomy is performed include:.