Restorative Dentistry

Anterior open bites: the additive direct resin composite solution

‘Montgomery consent’ means that any potential patient needs to understand the material risks and benefits of the viable options available to them in order to make their consent valid..

The acquired anterior open bite: possible aetiologies and management strategies

The development of an AOB in the adult patient may be first noticed by either the patient or clinician during a routine examination. The patient may describe aesthetic concerns with a newly forming...

Management of implant screwdriver ingestion: reflection and guidance for the GDP placing implants

A 91-year-old lady was diagnosed with T4N0M0 squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the left buccal mucosa with mandibular involvement. This was treated surgically in October 2018 with a left segmental...

Cemental tears: challenges in the diagnosis and management of an unusual finding associated with rapid localized periodontal and peri-radicular bone loss

Single or multiple tears can occur at any point on the root; however, the mid-third is the most frequent site reported, with the majority occurring on proximal surfaces (79.6%) (Figure 1).2,7 Cemental...

Treatment planning for a patient requiring multiple restorative treatment modalities by a recently qualified dentist

TC was a non-smoker and had never smoked and he drank no alcohol. He worked as a civil engineer and enjoyed spending time with his family in his spare time. He was fit and well, had no medical...

Chairside provisional implant crown construction: a clinical technique

Provisional implant crowns serve a variety of functions. As with conventional provisional crowns, they allow a trial phase of the prosthodontic management, to verify that the patient and dental...

The management of the migration of maxillary incisors

The aetiology of the migration of teeth is often multifactorial, but the main aetiological factor has to be diagnosed before a treatment plan can be initiated. Medical conditions such as hiatus...

A 5-year observation of the Dahl principle to manage localized anterior tooth wear

A male of European origin, aged 44 years old, presented for prosthodontic treatment, concerned ‘his teeth would continue to deteriorate’. He requested a solution that would restore function,...

Intentional replantation: An underused modality?

Three cases were referred to Aga Khan University Hospital dental clinics in 2019 with a common complaint of unresolved severe pain (Table 1). The patients were aged between 30 and 40 years and had...

Temporomandibular disorders. Part 5: surgical management

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a synovial joint atypical in its range of movements and the functions that are required of it. No other joint in the body is equipped with the kind of...

The Dental effects of head and neck rhabdomyosarcoma treatment: a case series

Patient A was 17 years old at the time of presentation to the adult dental health unit. She had no complaints with regards to symptoms, function or the aesthetics of her dentition. She had an...

Resin-retained bridges: considerations to maximize enamel bonding and aesthetics for abutment teeth with compromised contour

When considering treatment options for these patients, there are multiple choices available. These include removable prostheses, conventional bridgework, resin-retained bridgework (RRBs) or dental...

Presentation and management of mandibular anterior tooth wear

Various patterns of tooth wear are observed on lower anterior teeth and the cause is often multifactorial. Loss of vertical crown height is typically seen in attritive tooth wear, particularly in...

An update on radiation caries

Radiation caries describes the rapid onset and progression of dental caries in individuals who have been exposed to head and neck ionizing radiation. Overt caries may be seen within 3 months of...